Terms and Conditions

  • African Plain Game will endeavor to transport all animals in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Animals and the welfare of the animals take precedence over all other external factors.
  • Permits will issued in the name of the translocation company and are not transferable to other individuals or companies unless otherwise stipulated.
  • No animals will be translocated without the necessary paperwork (permits, TOPS, etc)
  • Please ensure animals are adequately sedated for translocation and should the journey be an extended one that the translocater is supplied with a top up quantity that can be administered as and when required.
  • Animals are transported at the risk of the buyer. The translocater will not be held liable for loss, injury or mortality. The buyer is advised that insurance should be taken out on animals to be translocated.
  • Routes are taken that present the least risk to the animals and to equipment. The GPS are used for calculating the best route.
  • Please request a quote for the transport. We require GPS co-ordinates or the nearest town and proximity of loading/offloading points from those respective towns/cities for this.
  • Quotes are strictly 30 days from day of quote.
  • Transport is charged from the time the wheels start rolling at the office until the time they stop back at the office.
  • Clear directions and preferably GPS location of gate or entrance on the nearest public road should be e-mailed through to our offices along with this a physical set of detailed directions of how to get to the farm of loading and the farm where animals are to be offloaded.
  • Full charge applies to all transport whether the animals are loaded or not from the time the wheels start rolling.
  • The customer will be also charged a standing fee if the translocater is made to wait because of improper planning and delays as a result hereof this may include accommodation costs etc if the loading point is far from the offices.
  • Please ensure that if there is a truck doing the delivery that there is a suitable offloading ramp (needs to be 1.2m) most animals incur injury during the offloading of the animals ensure that it is safe to offload the animals at destination.
  • Ensure that roads and access to the loading and delivery point are clear of overhanging branches and are easy maneuverable. It is important for us to know what the terrain is - mountainous, turf, mud etc.
  • In summer it is preferable to load the animals late afternoon and transport them in the early hours of the night during the coolest part of the day. Our transport is well ventilated and provides a safe environment to translocate animals.
  • Current rates (subject to change without notice - unless quoted).
  • Animals that may be injured or may suffer mortality will be offloaded at the delivery address or customers vet's Boma's - animals will not be sent back with the truck.
  • Tariffs exclude toll, cross border and any entry or exit fees that may be applicable.
  • Truck 4 ton 1-6 compartments @ R14.00/km
  • Truck 4 Ton with Trailer R16/km
  • Truck 4 Ton minimum Daily rate R3 500.00
  • Truck 7.5 ton (3 -6 compartments) @ R18.00/km.
  • Truck 7.5 ton (3 - 6 compartments)+ 2 Ton trailer (2-6 compartments) @ R20/km
  • Truck 7.5ton Minimum Daily rate R4 000.00